Friday, January 10, 2014

Greetings and Happy New Year.

Here is an article I wrote for Louisiana fitlife  this month:

Fit Mind: In Need of an Adjustment

 Fit Mind
There is a quote by Mark Twain that should get you thinking: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
Self-discovery of the “why” can be especially revealing when you put some thought into it. I was fortunate to have taken some classes with the late Dr. Stephen Covey. His book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is among my favorites. In a life journey dedicated to discovering “why” we are born, Dr. Covey said to think about three constants in life: change, choice and principles.
We cannot change our past and we cannot change the way people act. But we can change ourselves, if we want to; and by our choices, we make those changes
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Why would anyone choose, given the opportunity to make choices, something other than to be happy, healthy and successful? Vow to make choices every day to change for the better and to adapt to change in a constantly changing world.
If you see the need and want to make some positive changes in your life—go for it. It begins with making choices, then following through with a discipline that will make you proud of your accomplishment. Be determined. Make the choices you know are necessary to improve any part of your world that brings you greater happiness, health and success.
A big part of your determination will be your mindset. Try following what motivational speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer recommends: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Or consider what minister Norman Vincent Peale once said: “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Remind yourself that you have complete control of one thing in your life—your thoughts.
Some changes you may want to make include choosing to drink more water, being kinder to yourself and those around you, exercising regularly, and sharing love in thought and deed. Reading for leisure and learning, getting rest, finding things to smile about often, eating nourishing food, and expressing gratitude every day are all good choices. Finding the best in yourself, reaching a desired weight, and maintaining a positive attitude—in every circumstance—can be achieved if that is what you seek. Make changes for the better … just understand and appreciate why.